Influencer Marketing Quotes of the Week

“Uncovering the top influencers in one’s field requires old-fashioned research. Read the trades, go to industry events and, of course, check out Twitter, Facebook, etc. Then, gradually develop a relationship with the influencers by asking questions and citing their content.” – Alexandra Levit (@alevit), 14 strategies for finding and leveraging major online influencers (quoted) “By understanding what […]

Influencer Marketing Quotes of the Week

“In many respects, influencers are key to making sense of the billions of pieces of content and words that are published throughout social media services. They are the ones we follow, trust and ultimately help decide what will succeed or fail.” – Mark Evans (@markevans), Do Influencers Drive Social Media? “I’m here to tell you […]

Influencer Marketing Quotes of the Week

“The impact we make through social media can’t entirely be measured by numbers and scores. If you tweet, post, friend and follow people just to raise a number or better a score, you’re missing the point of social media. It’s not just about how powerful of an influencer you are. It’s about connecting with the […]

Influencer Marketing Quotes of the Week

“Brands aren’t born social. They don’t get talkworthy on their own or because an agency signs them up for Facebook and Twitter accounts. Word of mouth success takes planning and execution to insure that you[r] product is worth talking about, to make a humble can of soda or a hot new cell phone into products that become […]

Influencer Marketing Quotes of the Week

“Influencers can spot someone simply wanting to push their own PR agenda a mile off. Ensure key players in your online market trust you by proving you can add value to the conversation. If you’re sharing content or making recommendations, don’t be partial. Only push your brand when it truly is relevant and does deserve […]

Influencer Marketing Quotes of the Week

“The future is not about marketing to influencers – it’s about marketing with them. (This flaw in the term itself has surely resulted in the immediate deletion of countless pitches). Treating influencers as an extension of your company – rather than a distribution channel – will result in a more impactful experience for influencers and consumers alike.” […]

Scott Marticke: Influencing the Influencers

Influencing the Influencers When we talk about identifying influencers on social media, there is a tendency to look at the big picture: ranking by celebrity or industry status, by traffic, by number of followers, by number of comments, etc.  There are, however, several nuanced areas that need to be considered. Some of these may seem […]

Influencer Marketing Quotes of the Week

“Before Facebook and Twitter, PR flacks often pointed to ad values based on column inches or circulation numbers of potential readers or viewers. The shift to online content provides more exact determination of how many people were exposed to content such as page views, but that still isn’t what matters. “Communication has always been and continues to […]

Sam Fiorella: Can You Be Influential While Under The Influence?

Can You Be Influential While Under The Influence? The debate around influence scoring and measurement has once again reared its ugly head with a new series of articles written in Wired Magazine, Forbes and Social Media Examiner, among others. Mark Schaefer also published a book recently titled: Return on Influence, which presents the online influence tracking service as the future of marketing: […]

Claire Dunford: Influencer Engagement is All About People

Influencer Engagement is All About People When we’re devising strategies for our clients at BOTTLE we often talk about ‘influencers’ and ‘thought leaders’. The power of social media comes from the power of people talking to each other and the influence of those relationships. Understanding the role that influencers have is key. Influence isn’t something […]