Influencer Marketing Review: An Update

For the past eighteen months our company has collated and edited the Influencer Marketing Review blog. It’s an aggregator of the best Influencer Marketing stories from around the web, deliberately not biased towards Influencer50’s own stories. We’ve been averaging 1500 discrete viewers each month. But the truth is that the quality of relevant stories we […]

Nick Hayes: Where do marketing depts. get their steer from?

I’ve never understood why marketing depts. don’t put far more effort into understanding their company’s prospects and customers. I say ‘far more effort’, but in fact, most don’t put any effort into it. Many marketing depts. aren’t even allowed to go anywhere near their customers and prospects – the sales team like to very carefully […]

Alex Harbour: Social Media – The Importance of Influence

Influence is the ability to drive action, and marketing through influence is something that brands have been doing for decades. Purely Machiavellian, its aim is to drive you to engage with the brand, through using the intangible and (hopefully) positive qualities associated with that ‘celebrity’ to manipulate your aspirations, emotions and subsequently, your behaviour. Both […]

Krista Bunskoek: Influence Marketing: How to Find Your Industry Leaders

Though this only covers the increasingly fashionable space of ‘social influencers’ if that’s what you want then this does have some useful pointers. Krista Bunskoek of Wishpond: Do you know how to use Influence Marketing to drive traffic to your blog, and increase your social ranking? Do you even know how to find your market […]

Phil Davis: Influencer Identification Isn’t Just for Tools

Influencer identification is a detailed process and one that shouldn’t be rushed if you’re expecting good results. There’s much more to it than simply finding an online tool that promises everything (I’ll get to that later), plugging in some keywords and exporting the list. While those are steps in the process, what is often overlooked […]

Rebecca Lieb: Content – Why Influence Matters

This is such a great post. Just what we’d expect from Rebecca. We wont repeat it all here now. Here’s the intro, then just click the link at the end to go to the original. Do name-brand journalists still require the backing of name-brand media outlets? Recent headlines strongly indicate that the byline is being rapidly […]

Dianne Charton: How behavioural economics is turning traditional marketing inside out

To be truly successful in marketing and advertising, we need to understand human motivation and behaviour at a deep level so that we are more able to influence it. Yet the marketing industry has clung to the same frameworks for modelling the ways that people evaluate information and make decisions for decades. A new school […]

Nick Hayes: How has Influencer Marketing been hijacked by Social Media Vendors? – and how can it get back its link to Sales?

How did this happen? When we started our company in the field of Influencer Marketing our intention was to identify the real-world sales influencers – whether they made a noise about it or not. We wanted to better understand how sales were being made – and better understand what was standing in the way when […]

John Owrid: The world of social media relies on self-importance as establishment recognition grows.

The one thing that social networks either don’t measure or don’t publish is obviously their sense of self-importance. Yet if such a metric existed it might tell us far more about the world of social media than we get from other published data. If that sounds like a snipe it isn’t intended to be. The […]

Danny Brown: Breaking Down the Four Ms of Influence Marketing for Better ROI

I’m an old-timer. I come from a background of 20 years in marketing, and gained my Associate Marketing Degree from the Chartered Institute of Marketing almost 15 years ago. I cut my teeth on the Four Ps of Marketing – Product, Price, Promotion and Place – and used that quadrant for clients and employers alike. But, as useful as […]