Philip Beeching: Engage first, influence second

 Engage first, influence second I have previously blogged about the appearance of a new type of company such as Klout, Peer Index, ProSkore, Kred, and many others, which are seeking to give people a score based on their social influence on the web and help brands connect with the right influencer. In a society obsessed with measurement I believe there are […]

Rohn Jay Miller: Dachis Group: The Challenge of Measuring Social Influence With Big (Big) Data

Dachis Group: The Challenge of Measuring Social Influence With Big (Big) Data Online social influence is one of those phenomena that are hard to define, but we “know it when we see it.” And social influence is even much harder to track than it is to define. Businesses are becoming increasingly social in their marketing, […]

Ralph Dopping: What is Influence in the World of Social Media?

Making a Social Media Splash: How do analytics really echo Online Influence? I have been reading a lot about influence recently. Influence seems to hold a lot weight in social media so as a newcomer to the medium I decide to do a little research on what the popular opinion on influence is. There is a […]

Rohn Jay Miller: Delete Your Klout Profile Now!

This post might have been more effective without the vitriol and personal attacks, but there are some worthwhile points here: Klout’s CEO Joe Fernandez gave an interview this summer—before the new Klout algorithm rolled out—in which he said, ““When you think about it, the idea of measuring influence is kind of crazy. Influence has always been something […]